A number of workflow approvals (such as student consent) are actioned via the school Dash account, which is typically linked to the school email address. If a school would like certain workflows to be sent directly to a teacher's email address, they can set up delegated workflow recipients in Dash.
This is especially useful for assigning sports coordinators or principals to receive student approval emails, so school admin staff don't always need to forward on.
Types of Workflow
There are three types of workflow that a school receives which can be delegated to a teacher;
School approving student application
When a student's parent/guardian creates an application to attend an event, and that application contains a "School approval" step, the school is sent workflow to action the student's request to attend the event.
School progresses to the next level
When a school progresses from a regional level competition to the state level, they are asked to approve the progression.
School approves teacher's application on behalf of the school
Teachers can create competition entries on behalf of the school, and the school is then asked to approve these entries.
Delegating a Workflow
In school accounts, it's possible to see a list of teachers that have a role at the school under the "Teachers" page.
The above workflow can be applied to a "teacher role subscription", which can then be given to a teacher. A teacher role's subscriptions will send the workflow that the school receives of that type to any teachers that have the teacher role.
This is configured in two parts.
1. Adding a teacher role subscription to a teacher
This is done by clicking the three dots next to a teacher's name, and clicking "School roles".
Ensure the teacher role subscriptions that the teacher should have are ticked, and click "Save".
The teacher role subscriptions should then show against the teacher.
Note: If you can't see the teacher that you wish to delegate workflow to, then they do not hold a role at the school. Please see A Quick Start Guide for Teachers for how the teacher can apply for a role at the school.
2. Managing a subscription
You can manage the workflow that a teacher role subscription receives.
This is done by clicking the "Manage Subscriptions" button in the top right of the "Teachers" page.
Add the workflow that, for example, the "Sports Coordinator" should receive. Teacher roles can have multiple subscriptions, and subscriptions can be removed by clicking "Unsubscribe".