Dash has the ability to facilitate multiple intakes grouped under one umbrella intake. These sub-intakes are titled "shadow intakes". This is particularly useful to separate registrations via gender or division, without creating duplicate intakes or steps for each.
Initial Top-Level Intake
To begin you would first create an intake as per normal, and set the relevant fields that are static across all shadow intakes. For example, if we are creating an intake for Combined High School Individual Triathlon, but we want to have different intakes for each gender or division, we would use shadow intakes.
In this example, none of the shadow intake fields will change except the gender and division fields (so we will leave them empty).
After entering these intake details, you'll see a tick box near the bottom titled "Create shadow supported intake", check this. We also recommend checking the "generate default steps" checkbox to make the process quicker.
After finalising this initial intake, it's time to create the shadow intakes.
Please Note: This intake we have just created is the top-level intake and does not function without creating shadow intakes. These shadow intakes inherit the majority of their guidelines from this top-level intake.
Creating the Shadow Intakes
After creating the initial intake, you will be taken to the intake overview screen. This displays the top-level intakes details and steps.
Below this you will see a list of the shadow intakes, and an option to "Add Intake". Click this to create your first shadow intake.
This will bring up the standard intake creation modal, but it will not accept any fields that don't adhere to the guidelines set by the top-level intake. For example, we've set the top-level sport to be Triathlon. If we try and set a sport other than Triathlon for our shadow intakes, we will receive the following message:
This applies to any fields that we didn't leave blank in the initial intake creation.
In this example, we want to create an intake for Senior Boys, so we'll set the gender to male and the division to seniors, whilst setting all the other relevant fields the same as the top-level intake.
After creating this, we can see our new shadow intake listed on the top-level intake summary page. Click the shadow intake title to see it's individual summary page and edit if required.
Repeat this process for each shadow intake e.g Intermediate Boys, Beginner Boys, Senior Girls etc.
After creating the initial shadow intake, the fields will save for future iterations, making new additions quicker.
Please Note: The shadow intake will inherit the top-level intake's steps, and these cannot be changed from intake to intake. All shadow intakes will have the same steps.
Editing Shadow Intakes
Shadow intakes are hidden from the standard intake list view in Dash. To edit them, you will need to select the top-level intake (which will have a notice saying "Shadow Intake").
Then click on the relevant shadow intake under the "Shadow Intakes" heading.
The User Experience
The only difference for the parent/teacher when applying against shadow intakes is the addition of an initial "Category" step to the application process.
This step is where the user selects which shadow intake is relevant to them. The rest of the application process is the same.