Show Distance Indicator
This toggles the colour indicators next to the schools in the first round.
Show Home Away
This toggles the home icon showing next to the school who will be hosting the match.
Home Away Policy
This dropdown menu allows you to choose which home/away policy is relevant to this competition.
Public Competitions
In later versions of the competition builder, there will be a public facing website that shows each upcoming draw. If you'd like this competition to be displayed publicly in the future, simply check this tick box when creating (or editing) your competition.
Automated Play By Date Reminders
If there is a deadline for this particular competition, checking this tick box will allow you to set up automated email reminders to be sent to each school notifying them of the required "Play By" date and prompting them to finalise the match.
Show Travel Distance
After creating a match-up, you have the ability to view the travel distance and travel time required between each school. Simply click on the upcoming match and select "Show Travel Distance".
If your competition feeds into a state-wide competition, you will be given the option to progress a predetermined number of teams through to the state level competition, directly from the Competition Builder.
To do this, select the "Progress" button from the top right hand side of the Competition Builder and select the relevant schools to progress.
These schools will be invited to the competition and will need to accept this invitation before they are fed into the state-level competitions applicant pool. If you would like, you can bypass this invitation process by checking the "Skip invitation and progress application immediately?" box.