You can find the products page on the side menu.
Products Page
You can easily search for products using organisation, region or by searching a keyword. On the dashboard you can also easily remove a product. You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to conduct this action.
Adding a Product
It is quick and easy to create a product using the "Add Product" button. Categorise your product to the relevant organisation or region relating to your intake.
Please Note: You will not be able to add products to your intakes that don't relate to that intake's organisation or region. For example, a Sydney West Basketball Team intake cannot add a Sydney East Hoodie.
Product Variations
You can include as many variations as required - examples may be sizes, colours or different fits.
Category Tag
The category tag will show above the product when it is displayed in an intake. You may decide as an organisation to have two category tags - one for Mandatory Playing Apparel and one for Non Sporting Apparel. This is flexible and up to you.
Adding a Product to an Intake
You need to be begin by creating a product step in an intake. You can include a product step anywhere in an intake assuring that it is before the payment step. Once you've selected "Group = Page" and "Step Type = Products" you will be able to add your products to the intake in the step details.
You will be given the option to specify the minimum and maximum quantity. If you would like this product to be required, then set the Min Qty = 1. You will also be given an opportunity to override the price for this intake.
Please Note: This will override the price for this intake. Users will not be able to see the normal price.
There is no limit to how many products you can include in an intake.
View Within an Intake
It is highly recommended to attach images to your products when possible as it assists the parents when ordering items for their children.
Advanced reporting will assist you in exporting your products and order items.